C² Interiors

Home Staging

Why is Home Staging Important? First impressions are very important, and in real estate, there are no exceptions. Organized and staged homes stand out in photos and shine during showings, increasing the likelihood of selling a home faster and at a higher price. One important thing to remember is that our homes are personal, yet how we live is not how we sell.

The concept of staging sounds good in theory and there are even research studies that confirm that theory.

In 2019 the National Association of Realtors did a research study with buyer’s agents on home staging, below are the results.

  • 43% of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyers’ views of the home.
  • 83% percent of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.
  • Staging the living room was found to be most important for buyers (47%), followed by staging the master bedroom (42%) and staging the kitchen (35%).
  • 25% of buyer’s agents said that staging a home increased the dollar value offered between 1% to 5%, compared to other similar homes on the market that are not staged. While 19% of buyer’s agents said that a staged home had an increased dollar value of more than 6%.

Our Process
We begin with a consultation to have an objective look of your home. We will come up with a plan of what the next steps are based on the consultation. Some of the things that may need to be done are cleaning the property, organizing, and de-cluttering, minor repairs, re-arranging any existing furniture, taking out existing furniture and replacing any awkward or large furniture with more appropriately sized pieces, changing of lighting fixtures, painting a neutral color. Most often, staging will also include bringing in our own furniture and accessories as needed to make your home feel and look more updated and current with popular lifestyle and design trends.

Brokerage Services

We offer discounted commissions If you want to work with our sister brokerage company. We have a proven track record of over 1 billion in sales. Schedule a consult today, if you’re interested

High–End Photos and Video

We provide complimentary high-end photography and videography with any of our services.

Cleaning Services

We like to make things easy and hassle free for our clients that’s why we offer complimentary cleaning services.